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作者:马慧敏  北京市商泰律师事务所














Talking about Additional Protection of Registered Well-know Trademark by QQ Dispute Between Tencent and Chery

Tencent QQ is the first instant messaging software in domestic launched by Tencent in the year of 1999, Chery QQ is Chery’s first minicar launched in July,2003. Both of them have high popularity in their own fields. They have been disputing for QQ for such a long time, and for now QQ trademark has been the main aim they are fighting.

Recently, for the dispute between them, the Beijing High People's Court gave No. 1696 final judgment as below: Tencent’s reply to claiming for the legitimacy of judgment from State Administration For Industry & Commerce of the PRC Trademark Review and Adjudication Board(hereinafter referred to as Trademark Review and Adjudication Board), the invalidity of Chery using QQ in car and identifying QQ as a registered well-know trademark in Category 38 for communication services, is lack of legal proof.

Review this event, Tencent had registered “QQ” as a trademark in Category 12 for car etc. in 2005 and approved in 2008.However, it caused dissatisfaction of Chery, which thought the approvement broke the rules of reproduction, imitation, or translation of another’s well-known trademark, an application for registration of a trademark on same or similar goods, infringing upon another party’s existing prior right etc. in Article 13 and Article 32 of Trademark Law of PRC and claimed for cancellation to Trademark Review and Adjudication Board and then got supported. Soon afterwards, Tencent arrested the judgment and appeal Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to the court and Chery appeared as the third party.

According to Article 13 in Trademark Law of PRC: “In the event of an application for registration of a trademark that is a reproduction, imitation, or translation of another’s well-known trademark registered in China on different or dissimilar goods, and consequentially is likely to create confusion and cause damage to the interests of the registrant for the well-known trademark, the application shall be rejected and the trademark shall be prohibited from use.” Tencent QQ has been a well-known trademark before Chery applies QQ, can Chery applies QQ for a trademark though there are not in the same field? How many categories of additional protection can a well-known trademark enjoy? Needn’t it to worry about trademark right to be infringed if an enterprise has a well-known trademark? Trademark battle for “Kangwang” between Dihon Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd and natural person Mr. Chen in Zhejing Province can be the answer to the questions above. Dihon Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd owns the trademark “Kangwang” in traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine etc., which has been recognized as a well-known trademark for several times, Mr. Chen wants to registers “Kangwang” in layettes, socks etc.. Through opposition, reexamination, first and second instance, finally, No. 680 final judgment given by the Beijing High People's Court allows Mr. Chen to register “Kangwang”.

Above all, well-known trademark can enjoy an additional protection in different or dissimilar goods does not mean it can be protected in all categories.

Differences of manufacturing technique, function and usage, distribution channel, target consumer, industry sector and whether misleading to relevant public or damaging the interests of well-known trademark owner should been considered.

How to protect trademark right comprehensively for enterprises under the circumstances of well-known trademark cannot protect all categories? Someone suggested that to register trademarks in all categories in order to protect and defense. It is common in large entities, however, it is hard for medium and small entities because of the huge cost, for example, the government is over 30,000 RMB for 45 categories excluding attorney fee. And under Article 49 of Trademark Law of PRC: “……where a registered trademark has become the generic name of the goods for which its use is approved or has not been in use for three consecutive years without justification, any entity or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for cancellation of the registered trademark ……”.In another word, even though the entity gets trademark certificate for 45 categories, it also may be cancelled for none use in three consecutive years.

How to protect trademark right comprehensively for enterprises? For this, I suggested that original design can apply for copyright registration when apply to register a trademark. According to Article 32 of Trademark Law of PRC: “The application for trademark registration shall not be allowed to harm other person’s prior right……”, copyright, as a prior right, can be a defensive way to prevent others from registering trademarks in other categories. Moreover in China copyright is just recorded (none substantive examination) with shorter application period (usually less than three months) and lower expense.


作者:马慧敏  北京市商泰律师事务所

编辑:IPRdaily 赵珍  /   校对:IPRdaily   纵横君











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本文来自于iprdaily,永久保存地址为http://www.iprdaily.cn/article_17643.html,发布时间为2017-11-15 09:11:25


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