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美国Fish & Richardson律所落户深圳,为中国企业参与跨国知识产权竞争助力—专访首席代表Ryan McCarthy

美国Fish & Richardson律所落户深圳,为中国企业参与跨国知识产权竞争助力—专访首席代表Ryan McCarthy

美国Fish & Richardson律所落户深圳,为中国企业参与跨国知识产权竞争助力—专访首席代表Ryan McCarthy


原标题:美国Fish & Richardson律所落户深圳,为中国企业参与跨国知识产权竞争助力—专访首席代表Ryan McCarthy


全球最大知识产权律师事务所之一的斐锐律师事务所于2018年11月获得司法部批准成立了驻深圳代表处,并于2019年1月1日起在位于深圳市南山区中国华润大厦的办公室开始正式办公。IPRdaily近日在斐锐深圳办公室采访了斐锐合伙人兼代表处首席代表Ryan McCarthy先生。


Ryan McCarthy:中国企业正以前所未有的速度积极创新和持续发展,知识产权保护是对大量技术创新投入进行保护的最佳方式,而这正是斐锐在全球范围内为客户所做的事情。斐锐自一个多世纪前成立以来一直专注于知识产权业务。我们不仅是美国最大的知识产权律师事务所,也一直被公认为知识产权诉讼和申请领域的行业领跑者。

与之相应的,深圳市在创新和知识产权方面,在中国乃至世界范围内都处于领先地位,常被认为是中国的“硅谷”并荣登福布斯中国“2018年中国最具创新能力城市30强”榜首。同中国的许多高科技公司一样,深圳的创新企业正在飞速发展,对在全球范围内寻求知识产权保护的需求也与日俱增。 因此深圳是斐锐设立首个亚洲分部的不二之选。


Ryan McCarthy:是的。斐锐多年来一直在帮助一些中国最具创新精神的公司申请、诉讼及许可其在美国和欧洲的知识产权。虽然我们的中国代表处选址深圳,但我们的中国客户群遍布全国。我们将在深圳代表处为全中国的客户提供最高品质的欧美知识产权代理服务,并愿积极参与协助整个中国知识产权业的发展。我们在国内设立代表处的目的也是为了满足客户不断增长的海外知识产权保护需求。斐锐作为一家全球顶级的知识产权律所,最大的优势之一是为客户提供长期的知识产权发展计划和解决方案,通过提前制定高价值战略决策帮助客户取得成功。


Ryan McCarthy:同其他国家相比,中国的知识产权建设发展速度之快是前所未有的。中国政府为加强知识产权保护进行的努力也为世界所瞩目。与此同时,中国公司在专利组合发展和知识产权维权等领域投入了大量的资金和精力,过去十年中国公司国内国际专利申请数量的急增就是对此的最佳证明。中国一些世界级企业正在积极建设与其企业地位相匹配的世界级专利池。我们提供的欧美知识产权法律服务正好满足了中国客户的这一需求,并获得了客户的认可。


Ryan McCarthy:在全球化的竞争中,中国公司面临很多涉及包括美欧在内多个司法管辖区的技术、知识产权、及诉讼相关的问题。如何快速适应不同管辖区之间知识产权法律体系的复杂性和多样性,比如极具特殊性的美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)诉讼,就成为一项紧迫的任务。斐锐不仅能更好的就侵权案件为客户提供代理服务,并善于利用对不同法律体系的熟悉来帮助客户进行知识产权保护。例如,我们为众多中国企业定制最大化其专利组合价值的战略,以更好的保护他们的知识产权,并可为客户提供在多个司法管辖区同时发起的知识产权侵权案提供法律建议。另外,我们丰富的诉讼经验还可为替客户发展其全球专利包提供巨大价值,这一价值不仅体现在专利数量上,还包括对专利稳定性、许可、及诉讼上价值的显著提升。


Ryan McCarthy:斐锐开展知识产权业务已有140余年历史。我们在知识产权申请和诉讼方面的丰富经验和作为行业领头羊的地位使我们能以敏锐的洞察力和专业能力为客户提供最高质量的知识产权代理服务,并为带动中国国际知识产权代理水平的发展提供帮助。我们有包括我在深圳代表处同事彭雍博士在内的二十余名精通中英双语的美国律师。我们相对其余美国律所的这一优势能使我们充分参与到国内各种知识产权活动和会议的演讲及讨论中,并帮助中国的知识产权圈更好的了解美欧知识产权法的最新动态。


Ryan McCarthy:中国公司正以惊人的速度研发高新技术。在中国,每个技术领域都有大量相关的研发正在如火如荼的进行,而过去几年中国专利的申请增长速度远超传统科技大国这一事实也充分证明了这一点。中国公司涉及广泛的行业,包括电信,电子,金融技术,生命科学和医疗设备。中国已成为科技创新领域的领跑者,而我们相信更多的中国公司将会在这一趋势下逐渐成为全球创新领袖。


Fish & Richardson, the premier intellectual property law firm in the United States, opened an office in the China Resources Tower in Nanshan District, Shenzhen on January 1, 2019.  IPR Daily interviewed Ryan McCarthy, a principal of Fish & Richardson and the firm’s Chief Representative in China.

IPRdaily:Fish & Richardson has 11 offices in the United States and an office in Munich, Germany. This is your first office in Asia.  What was the motivation behind establishing a presence in Shenzhen?

Ryan McCarthy:Chinese companies have been growing and innovating at an unprecedented pace. With innovation comes intellectual property, which is what Fish does on a global scale. Fish has been an IP-focused firm since its founding. Not only is Fish the largest IP law firm in the United States, we are consistently recognized as the leader in both IP litigation and prosecution. When it comes to innovation and IP, Shenzhen is also a world leader. Often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of China,” and boasting accolades, such as being first on the Forbes China list of the “Top 30 Most Innovative Chinese Cities 2018,” Shenzhen is a perfect fit for Fish. Like many companies across China, Shenzhen’s innovators are maintaining a rapid pace and are seeking the best possible global protection for their IP.

IPRdaily:Do you have an existing client base in China?

Ryan McCarthy:Yes. For years, Fish has helped some of China’s most innovative companies obtain, enforce, and defend their intellectual property rights in the US and Europe.  Although we are located in Shenzhen, our client base is spread across China.  From Shenzhen, we will serve our Chinese clients and engage with the overall IP community.  Our clients’ needs are always growing, and we expect that our presence in China will grow to fill those needs. One of our greatest strengths is providing long-term plans and solutions for clients. Making strategic decisions up front is cost-effective and helps our clients achieve successful outcomes.

IPRdaily:How is the intellectual property landscape unique in mainland China, versus in other markets? 

Ryan McCarthy:China’s IP landscape is changing at a pace unseen in other countries. China’s efforts to strengthen IP protection are well publicized. In hand with that, Chinese companies have been heavily investing in their IP in terms of portfolio development and enforcement, as evidenced by the sharp rise in patent filings over the last decade. These world-class companies are developing world-class IP portfolios. We practice US and European IP law, and have been helping our Chinese clients maintain this pace with a global view.

IPRdaily:What are the most pressing IP issues facing Chinese companies?

Ryan McCarthy:Competing globally, Chinese companies face cross-border issues as they relate to technology, IP, and litigation across multiple jurisdictions including the US and Europe. One pressing issue is getting up to speed with the complexity and variety of IP enforcement mechanisms, such as the International Trade Commission (ITC) in the US. We help our clients prepare to defend against infringement actions, as well as learn to leverage these channels for enforcement of their own IP. For example, we have represented numerous Chinese companies in enforcing their IP rights with strategies that maximize the impact of their portfolios. We also advise companies on how to manage parallel IP infringement actions in multiple jurisdictions.  Another issue is the growth of world-class IP portfolios, not just in terms of quantity, but a focus toward quality, value, and enforceability. We have a rich history of representing clients in the development of strong IP protections using cost-effective strategies.

IPRdaily:In what way do you feel the firm can contribute to the growth of the IP scene in the country?

Ryan McCarthy:Fish has been in the IP business for 140 years. Our deep experience and our position as the leading firm in both prosecution and litigation enables us to leverage unrivaled insight and knowledge in directly advising our clients, as well as educating the overall IP community in China.  We have numerous attorneys, who are both fluent in Mandarin and English. For example, my colleague in Shenzhen, Dr. Eric Peng, is fluent in both Mandarin and English.  Eric’s language fluency and his considerable network in China has enabled us to regularly speak at IP events and conferences to help educate and inform the IP community on evolving issues in US and European IP law.

IPRdaily:What are your predictions for the intellectual property market in mainland China?

Ryan McCarthy:Chinese companies are creating new and innovative technologies at a blistering pace. There is an extraordinary amount of research and development in China across every technology sector. This is evidenced by the pace of patent filings with China surpassing traditional leaders over the last few years.  Chinese companies across a broad range of industries, including telecommunications, electronics, financial technology, life sciences, and medical devices.  China has emerged as an innovation leader and more Chinese companies will follow to become global technology leaders.

编辑:IPRdaily赵珍          校对:IPRdaily纵横君


美国Fish & Richardson律所落户深圳,为中国企业参与跨国知识产权竞争助力—专访首席代表Ryan McCarthy

开年重磅!寻找40位40岁以下企业知识产权精英(40 Under 40)


美国Fish & Richardson律所落户深圳,为中国企业参与跨国知识产权竞争助力—专访首席代表Ryan McCarthy



(英文官网:iprdaily.com  中文官网:iprdaily.cn) 


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本文来自于iprdaily,永久保存地址为http://www.iprdaily.cn/article_21108.html,发布时间为2019-03-04 09:14:27


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